Surrendren Sathasivam is the Director of Services Industry Division, Ministry of Economy. With 30 years of experience in civil service, he started of his career with the Ministry of Finance, and subsequently the Ministry of Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs and then the Ministry of Economy. In the Ministry of Economy, he assumed the post of Deputy Director in the Manufacturing Industry, Science and Technology Division as well as the Human Capital Development Division. Subsequently he became the Director of the Macroeconomics Division, before assuming the current role as the Director of the Services Industry Division. His main task in the Ministry of Economy include the preparation of the five-year development plans, and the mid-term review of the five-year development plans.
He is currently responsible for the strategic planning, formulating policies and strategies, alongside developing programmes and action plans for the services industry, including overseeing the implementation of the six services related Productivity Nexus. Furthermore, he monitors, and reviews policies, strategies, programmes, and project implementations based on KPIs and outcomes. His work also involves overseeing the evaluation, endorsement and tracking of the annual development expenditure allocations.