Brief Profile
As the Director of the Strategic Planning and International Affairs Division of MyCC, she is responsible for developing, directing and implementing the strategic and long-range goals of MyCC. She is also responsible for representing MyCC's positions before domestic and international competition institutions and other international bodies as well as participating in the regional and international fora related to Competition Policy and Law.

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Hanis Zulkifli is currently the Acting Head for the Legal Division MyCC. She was previously an Assistant Direction at the Investigation and Enforcement Division of the MyCC for 4 years. She was called to the Bar in 2017. She holds a Bachelor in Legal Studies and Bachelor of Laws degree from Universiti Teknologi MARA. She also holds a Master of Law in Competition Law degree from King’s College London. Hanis was previously seconded to the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) in Sydney.

Brief Profile
Ismail Faruqi is an Acting Head Business and Economics Division for Malaysia Competition Commission (MyCC) where he wears multiple hats, including leading the Business and Economics Department to conduct market studies, evaluating the exemption applications, assessing Competition Cases as well as providing economic research and advice to the Government. He is also taking a leadership role as a pioneer for the Mergers and Acquisition Team as well as overseeing and managing the amendment of the Competition Act 2010.

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Ahmad Rafdi Endut is currently an Acting Director of Investigation and Enforcement Division for MyCC. Prior to this, he was the Head of Business and Economics Division (BED) in the same organization where his main task includes leading the division to conduct market studies, evaluating the exemption application, assessing Competition Cases as well as providing economic research and advice to Government. His current position requires him to be involved directly in enforcement of the Competition Act 2010 (CA 2010) and investigation in cases relating to the same act.

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Mr. Mohd Faridz Akram Bin Mokhtar has joined MyCC on 3rd January 2022 as Director of Management Services Division. He is responsible in managing the full spectrum of administrative and procurement, human resource, information technology and finance units.Prior to that, he worked at Malaysian Investment Development Authority (MIDA) since 2013 as an Assistant Director of Transportation Technology Industry Division. He was responsible in promoting foreign and local investments in the manufacturing & services sectors particularly on the aerospace sector.

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Zill has wide working experiences in corporate communications from education, IT, property, government state agency and government link company (GLC). Zill has the combination set skills from education and corporate communications in developing and lobbying special project with corporate company and related government agencies.

Brief Profile
Iskandar Ismail was appointed as the Chief Executive Officer for MyCC on 15th October 2018 after serving as the Director of Investigation and Enforcement Division for more than 5 years. He graduated from the International Islamic University with LLB (Hons) in 1997 and holds an LLM in International and Comparative Law from the George Washington University Law School, Washington DC. Admitted to the High Court of Malaysia as an advocate and solicitor, he has served at Bank Negara Malaysia as a Prosecuting Officer for 7 years.