International Network

Since its establishment, the Malaysia Competition Commission (MyCC) participates actively and diligently in the regional and international fora related to Competition Policy and Law (CPL) such as the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC), ASEAN Experts Group on Competition (AEGC), International Competition Network (ICN), United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and East Asia Top Level Officials' Meeting on Competition Policy (EATOP). The participation enables MyCC to keep abreast of the latest progress and trends, which together allows MyCC to actively contribute its expertise and experiences in the course of promoting Competition Policy and Law (CPL) regionally and internationally.

  1. Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC)
  2. The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN)
  3. International Competition Network (ICN)
  4. The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
  5. United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD)
  6. East Asia Top Level Officials' Meeting on Competition Policy (EATOP)
International Capacity Building Programmes
MyCC International Capacity Building Programmes In 2021
No. Programme Date Venue
1. JFTC’s Expert Placement Program 7 Jan 2021 - 6 Jan 2022 Malaysia
2. 2nd Cartels Workshop (Workshop I Substantive Issues) 20 January Virtual
3. 2nd Cartels Workshop (Workshop II Procedural Issues) 21 January Virtual
4. USDOJ: ASEAN Merger Investigation Workshop 27 Jan, 10 Feb and 17 Feb Virtual
5. ASEAN-OECD Discussion on the OECD Competition Assessment Reviews and Competitive Neutrality Reviews in ASEAN 2 - 3 February Virtual
6. ICN - CWG Agency-only Webinar Practical Challenges in Cartel Investigations at times of Covid-19 10 February Virtual
7. ACCEC EU-ASEAN Virtual Launching and Workshop for the E-Commerce Report 17 February Virtual
8. Concurrences Webinar: How To Prevent Antitrust Breaches? Fostering A Culture of Compliance 18 February Virtual
9. WBG-ICC Virtual Roundtable Discussion: "The Evolving Nature of Merger Control in Digital Markets" 19 February Virtual
10. JICA/JFTC Online Group Training 15 - 19 Feb, 1 - 5 March Virtual
11. Online Competition Law Seminar for Japanese Companies Operating in Malaysia 22 February Virtual
12. 2021 Forum on Competition in Developing Countries 22 - 23 February Virtual
13. OECD Workshop on “Methodologies to measure market competition” 23 February Virtual
14. ASSOCHAM Virtual Roundtable Discussion “Enabling a Trillion Dollar Digital Economy” 26 February Virtual
15. ASEAN Regional Policy Dialogue (ARPD) on Competition Policy and MSMEs in the post COVID19 Crisis 2 March Virtual
16. CLIP Train-the-trainer March - May Virtual
17. CCCS-SAL Competition Law Series 2021 Transcending Boundaries – Competition Law in a Digital Era 3, 10, 17, 24 & 31 March Virtual
18. Bundeskartellamt 20th International Conference on Competition 4 March Virtual
19. 2nd Digital and Competition Conference: 4-Webinar Series 9 - 12 March Virtual
20. ACCC 2021 National Consumer Congress Virtual Lecture Series 15, 22, 29 March & 12 April Virtual
21. ABA Antitrust Law Section’s 69th Spring Meeting 23 - 26 March Virtual
22. Concurrences Webinar: How to Detect and React to Antitrust Breaches? Practical Tools and Takeaways 24 March Virtual
23. Turkish Competition Authority Workshop on "Competition vs. Regulation and the Appropriate Organizational Structure of a Competition Agency” 6 - 7 April Virtual
24. The European Commission’s Article 22 Policy: A New EU Approach to Non-Notifiable Deals 8 April Virtual
25. Concurrences: 5th Antitrust in the Financial Sector Conference – Webinar #2: Current International Issues 13 April Virtual
26. Concurrences Webinar: How to Detect Deploy and Implement a Compliance Program? 15 April Virtual
27. Concurrences: 5th Antitrust in the Financial Sector Conference – Webinar #3: Financial Sector Consortia and Collaborations 20 April Virtual
28. ASEAN Capacity Building Roadmap: Brainstorming Workshop 22 April Virtual
29. Competition Enforcement Agencies Workshop on the ASEAN Competition Compliance Experience Survey-Study (ACCESS) 27 April Virtual
30. Concurrences 5th Innovation Economics for Antitrust Lawyer Conference 28 - 30 April Virtual
31. JICA/JFTC Workshop on “What Merger Parties Expect to Competition Authority” 30 April Virtual
32. Concurrences: 2nd International Mergers Conference 17 - 20 May Virtual
33. Launch of OECD report “Fighting bid rigging in Brazil: A review of federal public procurement” 19 May Virtual
34. Quantitative Methods for Competition Analysis, Graduate School of Economics Barcelona 24 - 28 May Virtual
35. Concurrences 12th New Frontiers of Antitrust Conference 8 - 11 June Virtual
36. OECD/KPC Workshop on Competition and Digital Markets for ASEAN Competition Authorities, in co-operation with PCC 14, 16 - 17 June Virtual
37. CPRC JFTC 49th Open Seminar on Competition Law Enforcement and Competition Regulation: the digital challenge 18 June Virtual
38. UNCTAD CCPB Global Event: Competition Policy and MSMEs “Presentation of Phase III activities of the Project “Resurgence of MSMEs in times of COVID19” 18 June Virtual
39. JICA/JFTC Workshop on Leniency Program 21 - 22 June Virtual
40. ICN Town Hall: Younger Agencies in the Third Decade 22 June Virtual
41. 2nd Antitrust in Life Sciences Conference Generics: Pay-For-Delay, Patent Settlements, Reverse Payment, Price-Fixing & Market Allocation 24 June Virtual
42. 2021 Competition Summer School 28 June - 9 July Virtual
43. Engagement Session #2:  Regulatory Quality Indicator (Competition legislation is efficient in preventing unfair competition) 30 June Virtual
44. Engagement Session #4: Regulatory Quality Indicator (Subsidies Do Not Distort Fair Competition and Economic Development) 1 July Virtual
45. USDOJ: ASEAN Merger Cases Workshop 1 - 2 July Virtual
46. OECD Competition Agency Leaders Executive Programme (CALEP) 3 - 7 July Crete, Greece
47. AECSP Case Study: CLIP Programme Clip Case Study Interview 15 July Virtual
48. CLIP Train-the-trainer 2.0 “Developing the skills and know-how to build, train and lead effective investigation teams” 26 July - 23 Sept Virtual
49. CLIP Live Panel Discussion: Regulating Competition in Digital Markets 27 July Virtual
50. JAIF Training Course on Unilateral Conduct and Abuse of Dominant Position 2 - 4 August Virtual
51. CLIP Train-the-Trainer Mentoring session 2 18, 19, 23 August Virtual
52. JFTC Merger Review in Digital Age 26 August Virtual
53. GCR Singapore: Asia-Pacific Law Leaders’ Forum 26 August Singapore
54. CLIP Train-the-Trainer Program Session 6 & 7 2, 6, 9, 16 Sept Virtual
55. ICN Virtual Skills Workshop 2021 1, 6, 9, 16, 20, 23, 27 Sept Virtual
56. Webinar on the ICN Steering Group’s project on competition law enforcement at the intersection of competition, consumer protection, and privacy 7 Sept Virtual
57. Antitrust in Asia, "Institutional Design: Should Competition Law be Enforced by Sectoral Regulators?" 14 Sept Virtual
58. 7th Antitrust in Asia Conference - Virtual Closing Reception 17 Sept Virtual
59. ASEAN Ministerial Dialogue on Accelerating Actions to Achieve the Sustainable Development Goals 20 Sept Virtual
60. CLIP Advocacy & Media Workshop 23 Sept Virtual
61. East Asia Conference on Competition Law and Policy (EAC) 29 Sept Virtual
62. ICN Annual Conference 2021 13 - 15 October Virtual
63. 11th Seoul International Competition Forum 4 November Virtual
64. AANZFTA CLIP Competition Clinic 3, Online Mini Workshop 10 November Virtual
65. 7th Winter School Economics of Competition Law 15 - 16 November Virtual
66. 7th BRICS International Competition Conference 16 - 17 November Virtual/Chengdu, Sichuan Province, China
67. 2021 ICN Cartel Workshop 17 - 19 November Virtual
68. OECD Online Workshop on Regulatory Barriers to Professional Services 18 - 19 November Virtual
69. OECD/KPC Workshop on Competition and Public Procurement 17 - 19 November Virtual
70. GCR Merger Control Masterclass 23 November Virtual
71. 9th ASEAN Competition Conference 1 - 2 December Virtual
72. 2021 OECD Global Forum on Competition 6 - 8 December Virtual
73. US-ASEAN Virtual Workshop on Digital Trade Standards and Conformance 7 - 8 December Virtual
74. ASEAN - OECD Workshop on the OECD Competition Assessment Reviews and Competitive Neutrality Reviews in ASEAN 9 December Virtual
75. UNCTAD Research Partnership Platform Event to launch the “report on Extraterritoriality in Competition Law Enforcement” 9 December Virtual
76. JAIF Workshop on New Economic Issues in Merger Enforcement 13 -14 December Virtual
77. KFTC Virtual International Competition Workshop 15 December Virtual
MyCC International Capacity Building Programmes In 2020
No. Programme Date Venue
1. Professor Whish Lecture Series 14 January Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
2. ACF 15th Annual Conference, Europe – Asia Trade, Investment and Antitrust: Challenges & Opportunities 20-21 January Valencia, Spain
3. 2020 Forum on Competition in Developing Countries 30-31
Manila, Philippines
4. JICA-JFTC Workshop on Recent Competition Issues in Malaysia 4 March Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
5. Virtual Training with the World Bank 13-30 April Online via Webex
6. OECD/KPC Workshop on Competition Roles in the Health Sector 16-17 & 20-21July Online
7. GCR Live Singapore: 9th Annual Asia-Pacific Law Leaders Conference 2020 3-4 September Online
8. AANZFTA CLIP/CAP Competition and Consumer Protection in Digital Markets 9 September Online
9. ICN Virtual Annual Conference 2020 14-17 September Online
10. OECD/KPC/ADB/PCC Workshop on Competition Economics for ASEAN Competition Authorities on Merger 5,7,8, & 9 October Online
11. OECD/KPC/ADB/PCC Workshop on Competition Economics for ASEAN Competition Authorities on Abuse of Dominance 19, 21, 22 & 23 October Online
12. ASEAN-ERIA Dialogue on Digital Trade 28 October Online
13. APEC 13th Conference on Good Regulatory Practices (GRP13) 25-26 November Online
14. OECD 19th Global Forum on Competition 7-10 December Online
MyCC International Capacity Building Programmes In 2019
No. Programme Date Venue
1. 2019 Forum on Competition in Developing Countries 1 February Manila, Philippines
2. AANZFTA Competition Law Implementation Program (CLIP) Cartel Investigations Workshop Module One 20-22 February Bangkok, Thailand
3. Workshop Economic Analysis in Horizontal and Non-Horizontal Mergers 28 Feb-1 March Santiago, Chile
4. 2019 ICN Advocacy Workshop 28 Feb-1 Mac 2019 Kyiv, Ukraine
5. ASEAN Training Course Strategic Planning & Management of Enforcement Activities 4-7 March Tokyo, Japan
6. GCR Live Singapore 8th Annual Asia-Pacific Law Leaders Forum 7-8 March Singapore
7. Improving Business Environment For Prosperity (IBEP) Program Peer-To-Peer Learning Event 12-14 March Johannesburg, South Africa
8. Competition Law Workshop on Competition Rules in the Transport Sector 26-28 March Busan, Korea
9. Kick-off Workshop for the 2019 AEGC Priority Deliverables 6-7 May Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
10. Competition Policy for Regulating Online Platforms in the APEC Region 7-9 May Mexico City, Mexico
11. 2019 ICN Annual Conference 14-17 May Cartagena, Colombia
12. OECD KPC-OTCC Bilateral Seminar and Study Visit 27-28 May Bangkok, Thailand
13. 2nd Annual Competition Law Asia 2019 12-13 June Singapore
14. Brainstorming Meeting on the Development of Peer Review Guidance and the Undertaking of Peer Review 17-18 June Bali, Indonesia
15. 2019 Taiwan International Conference on Competition Policy/ Law 18-19 June Taipei, Taiwan
16. EU-ASEAN Competition Week 24-28 June Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
17. 15th Annual Conference of the Asian Law and Economics Association (AsLEA) 27-28 June Bangkok, Thailand
18. German-Malaysian Symposium / Workshop on Competition Law 4-5 July Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
19. EU Summer School (2 weeks) 1-12 July Brussels, Belgium
20. Digital Integration Framework Action Plan: Consultative Workshop (DIFAP Workshop) 11-12 July Bangkok, Thailand
21. The Competition Enforcers and Academics Summit 1-2 August Hong Kong
22. Study Visit to the Competition Commission South Africa 26-27 August Pretoria, South Africa
23. Thirteenth Annual Competition Law, Economics & Policy Conference 27-30 August Pretoria, South Africa
24. Competition Law Workshop on Vertical Restraints 4-6 September Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
25. Comprehensive Review of Potentially Anti-Competitive Laws and Regulations 5-6 September Manila, Philippines
26. ACCC Secondment (3 months) 9 September -15 November ACCC, Australia
27. CLIP Module 5: Remedies 10 -12 September Malaysia
28. VI BRICS Competition Conference “10-year anniversary of successful cooperation: results and prospects” 16-19 September Moscow, Russia
29. AANZFTA Consumer Protection Scoping Project (CPSP) Study Visit & Travel arrangements for CPSP Study Visit 17-19 September Sydney, Australia
30. TFTC Regional Seminar 25-26 September Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
31. ICN Cartel Workshop 2019 7-10 October Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
32. Competition Law Workshop on Competition Issues of Digitalisation 16-18 October Tokyo, Japan
33. KFTC 2019 Internship Programme 30 October-12 November Seoul, South Korea
34. OECD Workshop on Investigative Techniques for Cartel 12-14 November Seoul, South Korea
35. 8th ASEAN Competition Conference 14-15 November Phnom Penh, Cambodia
36. Module 6: Market Studies by Competition Agencies 19-21 November Bangkok, Thailand
37. Briefing Session on Malaysian Competition Law for Japanese
3 December Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
38. Competition and Energy Regulation Workshop 4-5 December Jakarta, Indonesia
39. OECD Global Forum on Competition 6-7 December Paris, France
MyCC International Capacity Building Programmes In 2018
No. Programme Date Venue
1. Sub Regional Workshop on the Selection and Prioritisation of Sectors or Industries for Market Studies 17-18 Jan 2018 Brunei Darussalam
2. The 2018 Manila Forum on Competition in Developing Countries (“Manila Forum”) 1-2 Feb 2018 Makati City, Philippines 
3. APEC Workshop on "Merger Control Regimes” 1-2 Mac 2018 Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea
4. 7th  Annual Law Leaders Asia-Pacific Conference 2018 9-10 Mac 2018 Singapore
5. ICN Annual Conference 2018 20-23 Mac 2018

New Delhi, India

6. AANZFTA Competition Law Implementation Program (CLIP)-Module 1: Cartel Investigations  Workshop 20-22 Mac 2018 Manila, Filipina
7. Workshop On Developing The Capacity To Negotiate Competition Policy Provision In Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) 18-19 Apr 2018 Surabaya, Indonesia
8. ASEAN Telecommunications and Competition Regulation Workshop 25-26 Apr 2018 Kuala Lumpur
9. 2018 ICN-OECD/KPC Competition Economics Workshop for Chief / Senior Economists 2-4 May 2018 Seoul, Korea
10. American Bar Association Section of Antitrust Law: Antitrust in Asia 31 May- 1 June 2018 Seoul, Korea
11. AANZFTA Competition Law Implementation Program (CLIP) – Module Two: Cartel Investigations Workshop 26-28 June 2018 Manila, Philippines
12. The Economics of Competition Law Enforcement 3-6 July 2018 Bali, Indonesia
13. The Competition Summer School 9-20 July 2018 Bruges, Belgium
14. Oversea Secondment Program di Australian Competition & Consumer Commission (ACCC) 16 July - 21 September 2018 Australia
15. ASEAN Law Association (ALA)Law Conference 26-28 July 2018 Singapore
16. Sub Regional Workshop on “Big Data and Competition Law” 6-7 August 2018 Singapore
17. FTAAP Capacity Building Workshop on Competition Chapter in FTAs / EPAs 11 August 2018 Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea
18. AANZFTA Competition Law Implementation Program (CLIP) – Investigations Module Three: Masterclass 14-16 August 2018 Bangkok, Thailand
19. OECD/KPC Competition Law Workshop on Market Definition (Hosted by MAVCOM) 5-7 September 2018 Kuala Lumpur
20. Regional Antitrust Seminar on E-Commerce and Competition 26-27 September 2018 Bali, Indonesia
21. ICN AEWG ASEAN Competition Officials Workshop on Business Compliance with Competition Law 12 October 2018 Singapore
22. Construction and Competition Regulation Workshop 30-31 October 2018 Brunei, Darussalam
23. AANZFTA Competition Law Implementation Program (CLIP) – Module Four: Cartel Investigations Workshop: Investigating Abuse of Dominance 6-8 November 2018 Hanoi, Viet Nam
24. 2018 ICN Merger Workshop 7-8 November 2018 Tokyo, Japan
25. Workshop on Investigative Strategies and Techniques to Fight Bid Rigging Cartels 27-28 November 2018 Kuala Lumpur
26. The 17 th OECD Global Forum on Competition 29-30 November 2018 Paris


MyCC International Capacity Building Programmes In 2017
No. Programme Date Venue
1. Training Course on Promotion of Cross-Border Enforcement in ASEAN Region 11-13 Jan 2017 Tokyo, Japan
2. CLIP workshop: Competition Economics in Practice 7-9 Feb 2017 Brunei 
3. Using Competition Assessments to Eliminate Barriers to Trade and Commerce in Goods and Services 20-21 Feb 2017 Nha Thrang, Vietnam
4. Workshop on the Economics of Competition Policy 22-23 Feb 2017 Nha Thrang, Vietnam
5. Seminar on Investigative Powers of Competition Agencies 24-25 Feb 2017  Nha Thrang, Vietnam
6. GCR Live 6th Annual Asia-Pacific Law Leaders Forum 2-3 Mac 2017 Maxwell Chamber, Singapore
7. 7th ASEAN Competition Conference (ACC) 8-9 Mac 2017 Sunway Resort & Spa, Selangor
8. Secondment to NZCC 27 Mac - 12 Mei 2017 New Zealand
9. Big Rigging Workshop- KPPU & JAIF 26-27 Apr 2017 Kuala Lumpur
10. Competition Law Workshop on Competition Rules and the Pharmaceutical Sector 23-25 Mei 2017 Sydney, Australia
11. Workshop on Leniency Programs 1-2 Jun 2017 Auckland, New Zealand
12. Investigations Masterclass (KPPU, MyCC, PCC, VCA) (Module 3), 20-22 Jun 2017  Vietnam
13. Staff exchange program (KPPU- MyCC) Jul-Sep 2017 KPPU, Indonesia
14. “Capacity Building for Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) on Competition Policy and Law” 27-28 Jul 2017 Manila, Philippines
15. Secondment to Australia 10 Jul – 15 Sep 2017 Australia
16. Regional Handbook & Workshop on E-Commerce & Competition 16-17 Ogos 2017 Singapura
17. JAIF 2nd Training Course On Improving Regional Engagement In Competition Enforcement Between Japan And ASEAN 21-26 Ogos 2017  Bandung,  Indonesia
18. Competition Law Workshop – Going After Bid-Rigging Co-hosted by AFCCP 13-15 Sep 2017  UlaanbaatarMongolia
19. Seminar On Economic Analysis in Competition Enforcement  26-27 Sep 2017   Singapura 
20. Workshop On Comparative Competition Law Within ASEAN 9-10 Okt 2017 Singapura
21. Competition Law Workshop Best Practices in Cartel Procedures 24-26 Okt 2017 New delhi, India 
22. The Second Jakarta International Competition Forum (2JICF) Disruptive Innovation, Competition Policy & Challenge to Emerging Markets  24-25 Okt 2017 Jakarta, Indonesia
23. “ASEAN Consumer Protection Policy And Law Interface Workshop 26-27 Okt 2017 Yangon, Myanmar
24. Turkish Competition Authority’s 20th Anniversary Conference (Competition Summit) 31 Okt – 3 Nov 2017 Istanbul
25. Competition Law Workshop – Market Studies & Overview of the 21st International Workshop On Competition Policy 14-17 Nov 2017 Seoul, Korea
26. Competition Analysis in e-Commerce 15-16 Nov 2017 Jakarta, Indonesia
27.  ASEAN Aviation and Competition Regulation Workshop 23-24 Nov 2017 Bagan, Myanmar
28. Training Course on Enhancing The Effectiveness of A Competition Authority in Enforcement and Advocacy 6-8 Dis 2017 Tokyo, Japan


MyCC International Capacity Building Programmes In 2016
No. Programme Date Venue
1. GCR Live 5th Annual Law Leaders Asia-Pacific 3-4 March 2016  Singapore
2. Competition Law Workshop on Building Cartel Enforcement 30 March – 1 April 2016 Hanoi, Vietnam
3. Conference on “Antitrust in Asia: Achievements, concerns and challenges” (ESSEC) 25 April 2016 Singapore
4. International Competition Network (ICN) 26-29 April 2016   Singapore
5. Abuse of Dominance and Unilateral Conduct: Fundamentals 11-13 May 2016   Bali, Indonesia
6. “Brainstorming Session On Monitoring The Effectiveness Of Competition Regimes” 25-26 May 2016  Bangkok, Thailand
7. AANZFTA Competition Law Implementation Program (CLIP) 
Training for Successful Investigations at The MyCC
25-27 May 2016 Kuala Lumpur
8. APEC Workshop on Investigative Process & Procedural Fairness By Competition Law Enforcement Authorities 30 May-1June 2016 Mexico City, Mexico


AEGC Workshop on Economic Analysis for Competition Law Enforcement 1-3 June 2016 Putrajaya, Malaysia
10. APEC Structural Reform Capacity Building Workshop: Developing RAASR Individual Action Plans  1-3 June 2016  Singapore
11. Competition Law Workshop on Competition Rules and The Financial Sector  22-24 June 2016 Korea
12. Fourteenth Session of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development 17-22 July 2016 Nairobi, Kenya
13. 6th ASEAN Competition Conference (ACC)  27-28 July 2016  Bangkok, Thailand
14. AANZFTA Competition Law Implementation Program (CLIP) Cartel Investigations Module One Workshop 2-4 August 2016 Hoi An, Vietnam
15. Seminar on International experience regarding the Role of Leniency Programs in the Repression of Anticompetitive Conducts – Highlighting its effectiveness in the fight against cartels  20-21 August 2016   Lima, Peru
16. Antitrust Regional Seminar on The Competition Analysis of Vertical Restraints 28-29 September 2016 Jakarta,Indonesia
17. International Competition Network (ICN) Cartel Workshop 2016 3 - 5 October  2016  Madrid, Spain
18. 15th Session of the Intergovernmental Group of Experts (IGE) on Consumer Protection Law and Policy &  Fifteenth Session of The Intergovernmental Group of Experts on Competition Law and Policy (UNCTAD) 17-21 October 2016   Geneva,Switzerland
19 In country seminar on Competition policy and law by JFCT/ Academic Experts from Japan  October 2016 Malaysia
20. 2nd Brainstorming Session on Monitoring The Effectiveness of Competition Policy and Law 25-26 October 2016 Jakarta, Indonesia 
21. AANZFTA Competition Law Implementation Program (CLIP)  25-27 October 2016 Kuala Lumpur
22. OECD Global Forum on Competition 1-2 December 2016   Paris, France 
23. Competition Law Workshop on Information Exchange 6-8 December 2016    Seoul, Korea


MyCC International Capacity Building Programmes In 2015
No. Programme Date Venue
1. Workshop on Developing Institutional Core Competencies For Competition Regulation: Regulator Perspectives 2-4 
March 2015 
Surabaya, Indonesia
2. Workshop on Fighting Bid Rigging 20-22 
April 2015
3. Conference on the Future of Competition Law and Policy in the ASEAN Countries 23 April 2015 Singapore
4. Economics Institute for Competition Enforcement Officials in Sydney 2-7 May 2015 Sydney, Australia
5. Study Visit Programme to ACCC under AANZFTA Competition Law Implementation Programme (CLIP) 4-6 May 2015 Sydney, Australia
6. 5th ASEAN Competition Conference: “Advancing Policy and Law Post-2015: Progress, Opportunities and Challenges”  4-5 June 2015  Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
7. Jakarta International Forum on Competition 9-10 June 2015 Jakarta, Indonesia
8. Program CCS-OECD KPC Leaders Seminar on Advocacy  24-26 June 2015  Singapore
9. Hong Kong 2nd Anti-Trust Asia Pacific Summit 25-26 June 2015 Hong Kong
10. United Nations Conference on Trade & Development (UNCTAD) 6-10 July 2015 Geneva
11. Business Conducts Prohibited by Competition Laws in Indonesia, Singapore, Vietnam and Malaysia that Thai Business Operators Should Know 15 July 2015 Bangkok, Thailand
12. Competition Laws Enforcement in Indonesia, Singapore, Vietnam and Malaysia 5 August 2015 Bangkok, Thailand
13. OECD/Korea Policy Centre Sector Workshop on Competition Issues in Telecommunications and Electronic Communications 15-17 September 2015 Seoul, Korea 
14. MyCC’s Working Visit to Competition & Markets Authority (CMA) Office 15 September 2015 London
15. Attachment with the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA)  15-22 September 2015 London
16. Basic Investigation Skills Workshop: Putting Theory Into Practice- Gathering Evidence Effectively and Ethically”  29 September – 1 October 2015 Yogyakarta, Indonesia
17. APEC Training Course on Competition Policy 13-15 October 2015  Kazan, Rusia
18. OECD Global Forum on Competition 29-31 October 2015 Paris
19. Best Practices For A Regional Cooperation Framework Among ASEAN Competition Authorities”  under ASEAN-Australia-New Zealand Free Trade Area (AANZFTA) Competition Law Implementation Program (CLIP)  3-5 November 2015  Manila, Philippine
20. Economics Institute for Competition Enforcement Officials 15-20 November 2015 Hawaii, USA


MyCC International Capacity Building Programmes In 2014
No. Programme Date Venue
1. Working Visit to Turkish Competition Commission (ANKARA) 6 - 7 February 2014 Ankara, Turkey
2. OECD Global Forum on Competition 27 - 28  February 2014 Paris, France
3. Pre-International Competition Network (ICN) the 13th International Competition Network  22 - 25 April 2014 Marrakech, Morocco
4. Attachment Training Program at Competition Commission Singapore (CCS) 1 June - 2 July 2014 Singapore
5. OECD/Korea Policy Centre Competition Programme-Workshop in Evidentiary Issues in Establishing Abuse of Dominance 3 - 5 June 2014 Jeju Island, Korea
6. The 2nd Training Course on Competition Law & Policy For Asian Countries 9 - 13 June 2014 Tokyo, Jepun
7. "Basic Investigation Skills" by Australian Competition & Consumer Commission (ACCC) 7 - 11 July 2014 Sydney, Australia
8. The ASEAN Competition Conference (ACC) " Building Blocks for Effective Enforcement of Competition Policy& Law  16 - 17 July 2014 Manila, Philippines
9. Invitation to AEGC Workshop on Promoting Competition Compliance in ASEAN 20 August 2014 Singapore
10. OECD/Korea Policy Centre Competition Programme- "Workshop on Cartel Fundamentals" 1 - 3 September 2014 Bangkok, Thailand
11. 18th International Workshop on Competition Policy & 8th Seoul International Competition Forum (KFTC) 4 - 5 September 2014 Seoul, Korea
12. Workshop on Experience Sharing on In-House Training Tools and Programmes  29 - 31 October 2014 Nha Trang, Vietnam


MyCC International Capacity Building Programmes In 2013
No. Program Tarikh Lokasi
1. Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) Global Forum on Competition 28 February - 1 March 2013 Paris, France
2. Working Visit to Komisi Pengawas Persaingan Usaha (KPPU) 14-15 February 2013 Indonesia
3. Workshop on Practice and Procedure in Competition Cases   6-8  March 2013 Seoul, Korea
4. The Competition Law Training Programme under the Economic Partnership Programme  11-16  March 2013 Osaka, Japan
5. Working Visit to Competition of Singapore  (CCS) 3 - 5  April 2013 Singapore
6. 3rd ASEAN Competition Conference 4 - 5 July 2013 Singapore
7. Intergovernmental Group of Experts on Competition Law & Policy (UNCTAD) 7 - 11 July 2013 Geneva
8. Overseas Attachment Training Program 10 August - 11 November 2013 ACCC, Australia
9. OECD/Korea Policy Centre Competition Programme - Workshop Use of Indirect Evidence in Cartel Investigations 4 - 6 September 2013 Seoul, Korea
10. Working Visit to Competition of Singapore  (CCS) on Database and File Systems 2 December 2013 Singapore


MyCC International Capacity Building Programmes In 2012
No. Programme Date Venue
1. The Competition Law Training Programme under the Economic Partnership Programme 16- 20 January 2012 Tokyo, jepun
2. 1st AANZFTA-AEGC Capacity Building Workshop:  “Australia’s And New Zealand’s Experiences in Implementing Competition Policy & Law 1-2 February 2012 Chiang Mai, Thailand
3. Workshop on the Communication Strategy, Presentation And Media by Miss Sylvia Beamish from European Commission (EU) 27 February - 1 Mac 2012 Shah Alam, Selangor
4. The APEC Competition Policy And Law Group (CPLG) and Friends of the Chair (FoTC) Meeting 12- 14 February 2012 Moscow, Russia
5. Global Forum on Competition (GFC), Eleventh Session 16-17 February 2012 Paris
6. Global Competition Forum (GCR) Live Law Leaders Asia-Pacific 2012 2-3 March 2012 Singapura
7. Consultative Workshop to Review the Draft Competition Law and the Revised Consumer Law 15-16 March 2012 Vientiane, Lao PDR,
8. Workshop on the Modes of Enhancing the Effectiveness of Competition Policies by Mr. D.A.M.A Floudas from European Commission (EU) 8-14 March 2012 Shah Alam, Selangor
9. Workshop on Investigational and Analytical Skill for Assessing Market Power & Competitive Effects 12-14 March 2012 Jakarta, Indonesia
10. Consultative Workshop to Review the Draft Competition Law and the Revised Consumer Law, Vientiane, Lao PDR 15-16 March 2012 Vientiane, LAO PDR
11. Workshop on the Regulatory Framework by Mr. Andrea Filippo Gagliardi from European Commission (EU) 2-5 April 2012 Shah Alam, Selangor
12. 11th International Competition Network (ICN) Annual Conference 17-20 April 2012 Rio De Janeiro Brazil
13. International Competition Network (ICN) Annual conference 17-20 April 2012 Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
14. Visit to Office Fair Trading (OFT) 23 April 2012  London, United Kingdom
15. 2nd AANZFTA-AEGC Workshop On “Experiences of Australia Competition And Consumer Commission (ACCC) and New Zealand Commerce Commission (NZCC) in Developing Core Competencies in Advocacy, Institutional Building and Enforcement in Sydney 5-6 June 2012 Sydney, Australia
16. Official working visit to Australian Competition & Consumer Commission (ACCC) 18-20 June 2012 Canberra, Australia
17. The Second ASEAN High Level Meeting On Competition 25 June 2012 Yogyakarta, Indonesia
18. Competition enforcement on vertical restraints in Europe, New Zealand, Korea and the United States of America 27-29 June 2012 Seoul, Korea
19. 12th Session of the Intergovernmental Group of Experts on Competition Law and Policy (UNCTAD) 9-13 July 2012 Geneva, Switzerland
20. The 16th International Workshop on Competition Policy 5-6 September 2012 Busan, Korea
21. Invitation to the Study Visit for the ASEAN Experts Group on Competition (AEGC) to Competition-related Agencies in Germany 1-5 October 2012 Frankfurt, Germany
22. 10th ASEAN Experts Group on Competition Meeting (AEGC) and the AEGC Capacity Building Workshop  5-6 November 2012 Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei
23. ASEAN Experts Group on Competition (AEGC) Capacity Building Workshop on "Impacts and Benefits of Competition Policy and Law on Businesses in ASEAN   7-8 November 2012 Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei


Program Capacity Building Antarabangsa 2011
No. Programme Date Venue
1. Attachment Training Programme di Korean Fair Trade Commission (KFTC) 23-27 Mei 2011 Seoul, Korea
2. Working Visit to the Competition Commission of Singapore (CCS) 25 July 2011 Singapore
3. Induction Workshop on Competition Law & Policy for the Members of Commission and Staff Members 29-30 July 2011 Shah Alam, Selangor
4. The 15th International Workshop On Competition Policy di Korea Fair Trade Commission (KFTC) 7-8 July 2011 Seoul, Korea
5. Workshop On Competition Assessment And Competition Advocacy di Korea Fair Trade Commission (KFTC), Seoul, Korea 18-20 July 2011 Seoul, Korea
6. Intergovernmental Group of Experts(IGE) on Competition Law and Policy (UNCTAD) 19-21 July 2011 Geneva, Switzerland
7. The Inception Meeting On Developing Regional Core Competencies In Competition Policy And Law Working Group (WG-RCC) 3-4 August 2011 Manila, Philippines
8. Regional Capacity Building Programme on Competition Policy “Seminar on The Role Of Competition Authority in the Era of High Inflation” 30-31 August 2011 Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam
9. Roundtable on Intellectual Property and Competition Policy for Certain Asian and Pacific Member States 14-16 September 2011 Singapore
10. The APEC Economic Committee Meeting (Competition Policy and Law Group) 21-22 September 2011 San Francisco, USA
11. International Competition Network (ICN) Cartel Workshop & Study Visits to the Dutch Competition Authority, Netherlands & the Directorate-General of Competition Bruges, Belgium in European Commission 10-19 October 2011 Bruges, Belgium
12. ASEAN High-Level Meeting On Competition (AHLMC), The 1 st ASEAN Competition Conference (ACC) -  Fostering the Promotion Of Competition Policy for Regional Development & Post-Conference Briefing 14-17 November 2011 Bali, Indonesia
13. Istanbul Conference on Needs Assessment of the OIC Member States in the Field of Competition Law and Policy 21-22 November 2011 Istanbul, Turki
14. International Competition Policy Symposium 7-8 December 2011 Brussels, Belgium


MyCC International Capacity Building Programmes In 2022
No. Programme Date Venue Remarks
1. Concurrences 3rd Cartels Workshop 19 - 20 January Virtual Coordinated by Concurrences
2. Competition & Antitrust in Southeast Asia – Serious Enforcement with a Focus on Singapore 19 January Virtual Coordinated by Rajah and Tann Asia
3. ASEAN-US DOJ Investigation Cooperation on Cross-border Mergers and Cartels Workshop 24 - 35 January Virtual Coordinated by US DOJ
4. ICN CWG Webinar on “Implementing Effective Leniency Programs: Lessons Learnt and Challenges Ahead" 26 January Virtual Coordinated by ICN CWG
5. CLIP Scholars Program 2022 14 February - 18 April Virtual Funded by CLIP
6. CLIP ‘Train-the-trainer’ Program 3 10 February - May Virtual Funded by CLIP
7. JICA/JFTC Online Group Training 1-2, 15-19 Feb, 1 - 5 March Virtual Funded by JICA & JFTC
8. PCC 2022 Forum on Competition in Developing Countries 3 - 4 February Virtual Coordinated by PCC
9. ICN Advocacy Workshop 2022 9 - 10 February Virtual Coordinated by ICN
10. UK-ASEAN Business Forum: A Future Redefined 24 February Virtual UK-ASEAN Business Council
11. Merger Control: Recent Developments in Digital markets 28 February - 8 April Virtual Coordinated by UNCTAD
12. Webinar of the ICN CWG on ‘Trustbuster Toolbox for Managing Complex Cartel Cases’ 2 March Virtual Coordinated by ICN
13. OECD/KPC Workshop on Market Studies 8 - 11 March Virtual Coordinated by OECD
14. OECD KPC Competition Programme Capacity Building Online Event on Market Studies 11 March Virtual Coordinated by OECD
15. Webinar on "Shaping Agency Digital Transformation: The Role of Digital Experts 11 March Virtual Coordinated by Swedish Competition Authority
16. 3rd Digital Antitrust Conference 17 March Virtual Coordinated by Concurrences
17. APEC Data Science Toolkit Workshop 23 March Virtual Coordinated by APEC
18. 2022 Antitrust Writing Awards - Gala Dinner Ceremony 5 April National Press Club, Washington DC Coordinated by Concurrences
19. 2022 ABA Antitrust Law Spring Meeting 5 - 8 April Washington, DC Coordinated by ABA
20. ICN CWG Asia Pacific Webinar on “Implementing Effective Leniency Programs: Lessons Learnt and Challenges Ahead 6 April Virtual Coordinated by ICN
21.  CLIP Secondment Alumni 11 April Virtual Coordinated by CLIP
22. Validation Workshop for the ASEAN Investigation Manual on CPL for the Digital Economy 19 April Virtual Coordinated by CLIP
23. 6th Innovation Economics for Antitrust Lawyers Conference 21 April Virtual Coordinated by Concurrences
24. 21st International Conference on competition & 2022 ICN Annual Conference 4 - 6 May Berlin, Germany Coordinated by ICN
25. OECD Workspace on SOEs in Global Value Chains 31 May Virtual Coordinated by OECD
26. 2022 Competition Summer School (CSS) 20 June - 1 July Virtual Coordinated by EU Competition Law
27. UNCTAD ESCAP TCCT Event 27 & 28 June Bangkok Coordinated by UNCTAD, ESCAP and TCCT
28. ICN CWG 
Asia Pacific Webinar on “Criminalization of Cartel and Bid-rigging Conducts: How to Ensure Effective Enforcement”
30 June Virtual Coordinated by JFTC
29. CRESSE Competition Agency Leaders Executive Programme (CALEP) 2 - 6 July Crete, Greece Coordinated by OECD and CRESSE
30. Brainstorming Workshop of the Guidelines for Sharing Merger Cases 27 July Virtual Coordinated by ASEAN
31. ASEAN-UK Workshop on Competition in the Digital Markets 15 - 16 August Virtual Coordinated by ASEAN
32. ASEAN-UK DOJ Workshop on Economic Analysis 15 - 16 August Virtual Coordinated by US-DOJ & ASEC
33. Global Competition Review (GCR) Live Law Leaders Asia-Pacific 2022 Conference 25 - 26 August Singapore Coordinated by Global Competition Review (GCR)
34. Competition Clinic: Mergers and the Case for Clear Economic Evidence 5 September Virtual Coordinated by ASEAN
35. Train-the-trainer' Program 12 September - 17 November Virtual Coordinated by CLIP
36. 14th East Asia Conference (EAC) 29 September Manila, Philippines Coordinated by PCC, JFTC, ADBI
37. ASEAN Interface Workshop between competition and consumer protection regulators 6 October Virtual Coordinated by AEGC
38. APEC Project CPLG 01 2021A “Workshop: Competition Policy: A Driver for Economic Recovery” 12 - 13 October Virtual Coordinated by APEC-CPLG
39. Antitrust in Asia Conference - Merger Control in Asia 17 - 20 October Virtual Coordinated by Concurrences
40. KFTC Virtual International Competition Workshop 20 October - 20 November Virtual Coordinated by KFTC
41. 2022 Virtual Regional Antitrust Seminar on "Competition Enforcement in the Digital Economy 25 October Virtual Coordinated by TFTC
42. OECD/KPC Competition Law Workshop on Advocacy Strategies for Competition Authorities in Asia-Pacific 25 - 27 October Bangkok, Thailand Coordinated by OECD/KPC
43. International Conference "Digital transformation: Between Regulation and Competitiveness" 9 - 10 November Marrakech, Morocco Coordinated by the Competition Council of the Kingdom of Morocco
44. OECD/KPC Workshop on Merger Control - Theories of Harm 22 - 24 November Virtual Coordinated by OECD/KPC
45. Training in Japan by ICA Malaysia office on Competition Law & Policy 2022 27 November - 10 December JICA Kansai Centre, Japan Coordinated by JICA
46. AANZFTA Competition Law Implementation Program (CLIP) - Abuse of Dominance in Digital Markets 28 November Virtual Coordinated by CLIP
47. Digital markets workshop #3 ACCC's experiences in developing the Digital Platforms Services Inquiry Report 29 November Virtual Coordinated  by CLIP
48. Validation Workshop for ACBPI Guidance Document and Questionnaire 29 November Virtual Coordinated by AECG
49. OECD Global Forum on Competition 1 - 2 December Paris, France Coordinated by OECD
50. JFTC symposium "Ecosystems by Digital Platforms" 2 December Virtual Coordinated by JFTC
51. ICN Cartels Workshop & 2nd Competition Clinic 5 - 8 December Auckland, New Zealand Coordinated by ICN
52. Antitrust in Asia Conference 8 - 9 December Singapore Coordinated by ABA
53. KFTC, The Virtual International Competition Workshop 14 December Virtual Coordinated by KFTC
International Meetings
MyCC International Meetings In 2021
No. Programme Date Venue
1. OECD-ASEAN Launching of Logistics and SOE Report for Philippines 29 January Virtual
2. 1st Meeting of the UNCTAD Working Group on Cross-Border Cartels 4 Feb Virtual
3. OECD-ASEAN Launching of Logistics and SOE Report for Brunei 15 February Virtual
4. APEC 2021 SOM 1 – Competition Policy and Law Group (CPLG) Meeting 25 - 26 February Virtual
5. 26th AEGC and Other Related Meetings 22 - 25 March Virtual
6. 4th ASEAN Competition Enforcers’ Network Meeting 25 March Virtual
7. 2nd Meeting of the UNCTAD Working Group on Cross-Border Cartels 13 April Virtual
8. OECD-ASEAN Launching of Logistics and SOE Report for Indonesia 27 May Virtual
9. 3rd Meeting of the UNCTAD Working Group on Cross-Border Cartels 1 June Virtual
10. OECD-ASEAN Launching of Logistics and SOE Report for Singapore 4 June Virtual
11. UNCTAD Intergovernmental Group of Experts (IGE) on Competition Law and Policy Nineteenth Session 7 - 9 July Virtual/Geneva
12. 1st Official Round of the Upgrade of the AANZFTA Negotiations 13 - 14 July Virtual
13. OECD-ASEAN Launching of Logistics and SOE Report for Cambodia 28 July Virtual
14. 2nd Official Round of the Upgrade of the AANZFTA Negotiations 23 - 25 August Virtual
15. OECD-ASEAN Launching of Logistics and SOE Report for Vietnam 31 August Virtual
16. East Asia Top Level Officials’ Meeting on Competition Policy (EATOP) 28 - 29 September Virtual
17. 1st ASEAN Heads of Competition Agencies Meeting 11 October Virtual
18. 27th AEGC and Other Related Meetings 12 - 15 October Virtual
19. 3rd Official Round of the Upgrade of the AANZFTA Negotiations 27 October Virtual
20. UNCTAD Ad-Hoc Expert Group Meeting on Cross-border Cartels 23 November Virtual
21. 6th Meeting of High-Level Representatives of Asia Pacific Competition Authorities 13 December Virtual
MyCC International Meetings In 2020
No. Programme Date Venue
1. Consultation Meeting on the PCC’s Merger Regime 29 January Manila, Philippines
2. 1st AEGC Online Meeting 9 June Online
3. 4th Meeting of High-Level Representatives of Asia-Pacific Competition Authorities 15 July Online
4. 2nd AEGC Online Meeting 21 July Online
5. 3rd AEGC Online Meeting 6 August Online
6. 4th AEGC Online Meeting 3-4 September Online
7. 25th ASEAN Experts Group on Competition and Other Related Meetings 20-22 October Online
8. 1st AANZFTA Competition Committee Discussion on Consumer Protection Provisions under the AANZFTA Competition Chapter 18 November Online
9. 5th Meeting of High-Level Representatives of Asia-Pacific Competition Authorities 16 December Online
MyCC International Meetings In 2019
No. Programme Date Venue
1. Side Meeting with the Mergers and Acquisitions Division of PCC 31 January Manila, Philippines
2. APEC Competition Policy and Law Group (CPLG) Meeting 2 March Santiago, Chile
3. American Bar Association Section of Antitrust Law’s International Task Force Washington Spring Meeting 27-29 March Washington DC, USA
4. The 23rd Meeting of the ASEAN Experts Group on Competition (AEGC) and related meetings 8-12 April Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
5. 11th Meeting of the AANZFTA FJC and Related Meetings: AANZFTA CC 29 April-1 May Melbourne, Australia
6. CLIP Commissioner’s Retreat 2-4 July Brisbane, Australia
7. 15th East Asia Top Level Official’s Meeting on Competition Policy (EATOP) & The 12th East Asia Conference on Competition (EAC) 9-10 July UlaanbaatarMongolia
8. UNCTAD - Eighteenth session of the Intergovernmental Group of Experts on Competition Law and Policy 8-12 July Geneva, Switzerland
9. Special Meeting of the CoW for the AEC on the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR Meeting) 13 July Bangkok, Thailand
10. The 24th Meeting of the ASEAN Experts Group on Competition (AEGC) and related meetings & Workshop on Regional Cooperation 14-18 October Langkawi, Malaysia
11. ASEAN Experts Group on Competition (AEGC) Head of Agencies Meeting 14-15 November Phnom Penh, Cambodia
MyCC International Meetings In 2018
No. Program Tarikh Lokasi
1. Manila Forum/Heads of ASEAN Competition Agencies Meeting 31 Jan 2018 Makati City, Philippines 
2. APEC 2018 First Senior Officials' Meeting (SOM1) and Related Meetings - Competition Policy and Law Group (CPLG) 3 Mac 2018 Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea
3. 21th AEGC & Related Meetings 5-8 Mac 2018 Singapore
4. AANZFTA Heads of Agency Roundtable 28 August 2018 Sydney, Australia
5. 14 th East Asia Top Level Official’s Meeting on Competition Policy (EATOP) & The 11 th East Asia conference on Competition 29-30 August 2018 Sydney, Australia
6. The 22 nd Meeting of The ASEAN Experts Group on Competition and Related Meetings (AEGC), The First Meeting of the ASEAN Competition Enforcer’s Network (ACEN), The 5 th Joint Consultations between The AEGC and Development Partners, 1 st Sub-Project Steering Committee (PSC) Meeting for the ASEAN-German Cooperation Project & The 9 th Meeting of the AANZFTA Committee on Competition 8-11 October 2018 Singapore
7. 2 nd Meeting of High Level Representatives of Asia-Pacific Competition Authorities 28 November 2018 Paris


MyCC International Meetings In 2022
No. Programme Date Venue Remarks
1. Brainstorming Meeting on the drafting of the Guiding Principles for Negotiating the ASEAN Framework Agreement on Competition (Structure and Key Elements) 27 January Virtual Coordinated by ASEAN
2. 2nd ASEAN Heads of Competition Agencies Meeting 15 March Virtual Coordinated by ASEAN
3. 28th AEGC and Other Related Meetings 28 - 31 March Virtual Coordinated by ASEAN
4. AEGC Meeting 27 April Virtual Coordinated by ASEAN
5. AEGC Meeting 11 & 23 May Virtual Coordinated by ASEAN
6. AEGC Meeting 2 June Virtual Coordinated by ASEAN
7. AEGC/ AHCA Meeting to Finalise the Guiding Principles 14 - 15 June Virtual Coordinated by ASEAN
8. 9th Brainstorming Meeting of the GP for AFAC 29 June Virtual Coordinated by ASEAN
9. 10th Brainstorming Meeting for the Development of the Guiding Principles for AFAC 7 July Virtual Coordinated by ASEAN
10. Working Visit to CCPC, Ireland 8 July Virtual Coordinated by ASEAN
11. Working Visit to CMA, UK 11 July Virtual Coordinated by ASEAN
12. UNCTAD Intergovernmental Group of Experts (IGE) on Competition Law and Policy, Twentieth Session 20 - 22 July Geneva,
Coordinated by UNCTAD
13. AHCA Meeting for the Development of the Guiding Principles 27 July Virtual Coordinated by ASEAN
14. 17th East Asia Top Level Officials' Meeting (EATOP) 28 September Manila, Philippines Coordinated by PCC, JFTC, ADBI
15. 3rd AHCA Meeting 17 October Virtual Coordinated by ASEAN
16. 29th AEGC Meeting and Related Meetings 17 - 20 October Virtual Coordinated by ASEAN
17. Peer Review Plenary Meeting 21 October Virtual Coordinated by ASEAN