International Network

Since its establishment, the Malaysia Competition Commission (MyCC) participates actively and diligently in the regional and international fora related to Competition Policy and Law (CPL) such as the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC), ASEAN Experts Group on Competition (AEGC), International Competition Network (ICN), United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and East Asia Top Level Officials' Meeting on Competition Policy (EATOP). The participation enables MyCC to keep abreast of the latest progress and trends, which together allows MyCC to actively contribute its expertise and experiences in the course of promoting Competition Policy and Law (CPL) regionally and internationally.

  1. Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC)
  2. The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN)
  3. International Competition Network (ICN)
  4. The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
  5. United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD)
  6. East Asia Top Level Officials' Meeting on Competition Policy (EATOP)
International Capacity Building Programmes
MyCC International Capacity Building Programmes In 2019
No. Programme Date Venue
1. 2019 Forum on Competition in Developing Countries 1 February Manila, Philippines
2. AANZFTA Competition Law Implementation Program (CLIP) Cartel Investigations Workshop Module One 20-22 February Bangkok, Thailand
3. Workshop Economic Analysis in Horizontal and Non-Horizontal Mergers 28 Feb-1 March Santiago, Chile
4. 2019 ICN Advocacy Workshop 28 Feb-1 Mac 2019 Kyiv, Ukraine
5. ASEAN Training Course Strategic Planning & Management of Enforcement Activities 4-7 March Tokyo, Japan
6. GCR Live Singapore 8th Annual Asia-Pacific Law Leaders Forum 7-8 March Singapore
7. Improving Business Environment For Prosperity (IBEP) Program Peer-To-Peer Learning Event 12-14 March Johannesburg, South Africa
8. Competition Law Workshop on Competition Rules in the Transport Sector 26-28 March Busan, Korea
9. Kick-off Workshop for the 2019 AEGC Priority Deliverables 6-7 May Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
10. Competition Policy for Regulating Online Platforms in the APEC Region 7-9 May Mexico City, Mexico
11. 2019 ICN Annual Conference 14-17 May Cartagena, Colombia
12. OECD KPC-OTCC Bilateral Seminar and Study Visit 27-28 May Bangkok, Thailand
13. 2nd Annual Competition Law Asia 2019 12-13 June Singapore
14. Brainstorming Meeting on the Development of Peer Review Guidance and the Undertaking of Peer Review 17-18 June Bali, Indonesia
15. 2019 Taiwan International Conference on Competition Policy/ Law 18-19 June Taipei, Taiwan
16. EU-ASEAN Competition Week 24-28 June Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
17. 15th Annual Conference of the Asian Law and Economics Association (AsLEA) 27-28 June Bangkok, Thailand
18. German-Malaysian Symposium / Workshop on Competition Law 4-5 July Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
19. EU Summer School (2 weeks) 1-12 July Brussels, Belgium
20. Digital Integration Framework Action Plan: Consultative Workshop (DIFAP Workshop) 11-12 July Bangkok, Thailand
21. The Competition Enforcers and Academics Summit 1-2 August Hong Kong
22. Study Visit to the Competition Commission South Africa 26-27 August Pretoria, South Africa
23. Thirteenth Annual Competition Law, Economics & Policy Conference 27-30 August Pretoria, South Africa
24. Competition Law Workshop on Vertical Restraints 4-6 September Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
25. Comprehensive Review of Potentially Anti-Competitive Laws and Regulations 5-6 September Manila, Philippines
26. ACCC Secondment (3 months) 9 September -15 November ACCC, Australia
27. CLIP Module 5: Remedies 10 -12 September Malaysia
28. VI BRICS Competition Conference “10-year anniversary of successful cooperation: results and prospects” 16-19 September Moscow, Russia
29. AANZFTA Consumer Protection Scoping Project (CPSP) Study Visit & Travel arrangements for CPSP Study Visit 17-19 September Sydney, Australia
30. TFTC Regional Seminar 25-26 September Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
31. ICN Cartel Workshop 2019 7-10 October Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
32. Competition Law Workshop on Competition Issues of Digitalisation 16-18 October Tokyo, Japan
33. KFTC 2019 Internship Programme 30 October-12 November Seoul, South Korea
34. OECD Workshop on Investigative Techniques for Cartel 12-14 November Seoul, South Korea
35. 8th ASEAN Competition Conference 14-15 November Phnom Penh, Cambodia
36. Module 6: Market Studies by Competition Agencies 19-21 November Bangkok, Thailand
37. Briefing Session on Malaysian Competition Law for Japanese
3 December Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
38. Competition and Energy Regulation Workshop 4-5 December Jakarta, Indonesia
39. OECD Global Forum on Competition 6-7 December Paris, France
International Meetings
MyCC International Meetings In 2019
No. Programme Date Venue
1. Side Meeting with the Mergers and Acquisitions Division of PCC 31 January Manila, Philippines
2. APEC Competition Policy and Law Group (CPLG) Meeting 2 March Santiago, Chile
3. American Bar Association Section of Antitrust Law’s International Task Force Washington Spring Meeting 27-29 March Washington DC, USA
4. The 23rd Meeting of the ASEAN Experts Group on Competition (AEGC) and related meetings 8-12 April Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
5. 11th Meeting of the AANZFTA FJC and Related Meetings: AANZFTA CC 29 April-1 May Melbourne, Australia
6. CLIP Commissioner’s Retreat 2-4 July Brisbane, Australia
7. 15th East Asia Top Level Official’s Meeting on Competition Policy (EATOP) & The 12th East Asia Conference on Competition (EAC) 9-10 July UlaanbaatarMongolia
8. UNCTAD - Eighteenth session of the Intergovernmental Group of Experts on Competition Law and Policy 8-12 July Geneva, Switzerland
9. Special Meeting of the CoW for the AEC on the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR Meeting) 13 July Bangkok, Thailand
10. The 24th Meeting of the ASEAN Experts Group on Competition (AEGC) and related meetings & Workshop on Regional Cooperation 14-18 October Langkawi, Malaysia
11. ASEAN Experts Group on Competition (AEGC) Head of Agencies Meeting 14-15 November Phnom Penh, Cambodia