Events and Highlights
No. | Program | Tarikh | Lokasi |
1. | Workshop on Developing Institutional Core Competencies For Competition Regulation: Regulator Perspectives | 2-4 March 2015 |
Surabaya, Indonesia |
2. | Workshop on Fighting Bid Rigging | 20-22 April 2015 |
Manila, Philippine |
3. | Conference on the Future of Competition Law and Policy in the ASEAN Countries | 23 April 2015 | Singapore |
4. | Economics Institute for Competition Enforcement Officials in Sydney | 2-7 May 2015 | Sydney, Australia |
5. | Study Visit Programme to ACCC under AANZFTA Competition Law Implementation Programme (CLIP) | 4-6 May 2015 | Sydney, Australia |
6. | 5th ASEAN Competition Conference: “Advancing Policy and Law Post-2015: Progress, Opportunities and Challenges” | 4-5 June 2015 | Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam |
7. | Jakarta International Forum on Competition | 9-10 June 2015 | Jakarta, Indonesia |
8. | Program CCS-OECD KPC Leaders Seminar on Advocacy | 24-26 June 2015 | Singapore |
9. | Hong Kong 2nd Anti-Trust Asia Pacific Summit | 25-26 June 2015 | Hong Kong |
10. | United Nations Conference on Trade & Development (UNCTAD) | 6-10 July 2015 | Geneva |
11. | Business Conducts Prohibited by Competition Laws in Indonesia, Singapore, Vietnam and Malaysia that Thai Business Operators Should Know | 15 July 2015 | Bangkok, Thailand |
12. | Competition Laws Enforcement in Indonesia, Singapore, Vietnam and Malaysia | 5 August 2015 | Bangkok, Thailand |
13. | OECD/Korea Policy Centre Sector Workshop on Competition Issues in Telecommunications and Electronic Communications | 15-17 September 2015 | Seoul, Korea |
14. | MyCC’s Working Visit to Competition & Markets Authority (CMA) Office | 15 September 2015 | London |
15. | Attachment with the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) | 15-22 September 2015 | London |
16. | Basic Investigation Skills Workshop: Putting Theory Into Practice- Gathering Evidence Effectively and Ethically” | 29 September – 1 October 2015 | Yogyakarta, Indonesia |
17. | APEC Training Course on Competition Policy | 13-15 October 2015 | Kazan, Rusia |
18. | OECD Global Forum on Competition | 29-31 October 2015 | Paris |
19. | Best Practices For A Regional Cooperation Framework Among ASEAN Competition Authorities” under ASEAN-Australia-New Zealand Free Trade Area (AANZFTA) Competition Law Implementation Program (CLIP) | 3-5 November 2015 | Manila, Philippine |
20. | Economics Institute for Competition Enforcement Officials | 15-20 November 2015 | Hawaii, USA |
Programmes Attended Category